Saturday, January 17, 2009

First Hike Since My Girl Scout Days

I didn't have proper hiking boots, I didn't know anyone going, and -- knowing that the leader was going to take us three to four miles, half uphill, to the Sea Ranch Ridge Trail and back down via the Big Tree Trail -- I didn't know how I'd do. Besides not being an experienced hiker (though I do WALK), I'm not much of a forest fan; I prefer beach and open sky. But there was also a promise of finding a bench with one of the best views at the Ranch. Being a sucker for views, I shoved excuses aside, grabbed Logan, and went. Here's the view:

The dog had lots of energy, stopping only when her long fur, low to the ground, picked up prickly sticks and fallen pine sprays. And I made it, no problema. My new Polar heart monitor kept beeping -- telling all 22 of us that I was either below or above my ideal training heart rate. (I must--God forbid--consult the manual and figure out how to turn the sound off.) By the end, we clocked over three miles, hiked for one and a half hours, and the monitor tells me I burned 658 calories.

And I'm still awake to blog about it!

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