Monday, March 2, 2009

Wanted: 2 or 3 BR Ski House, Condo, or Time Share in Tahoe

Our family of five would like to go skiing at the end of March, the only weekend when we can seem to get our our daughters' schedules to mesh with Toby's travel schedule and my commitments. We envision driving up on Friday, and skiing two or three, clear, almost Spring, days on a beautiful packed base with some fresh powder on top, while 4-year old Elliott learns to make pizza wedges and French fries in ski school. Evening, perhaps, would begin with a jacuzzi, followed by a simple pasta and salad dinner, and then red wine in front of a blazing fire.

Just one problem: we don't have a condo or house in Tahoe. So . . . We're thinking "Barter Economy."

Others do have places in Tahoe, and don't use them EVERY weekend. And we have a beautiful condo in sunny, warm, sporty, artistic San José del Cabo, at the tip of the Baja Peninsula, next to Cabo. In these days of economic woes, we're thinking of a cashless exchange. We might even consider trading a whole week in Mexico for a weekend or two in Tahoe, since our trade partners would need to fly down.

If you or anyone you know might be interested, give me a holler! Our "trade" is described on my website under "Rentals." You don't have to guarantee conditions or weather to fulfill my vision!

Or does anyone know of a good website to arrange such exchanges?

1 comment:

  1. We ended up coming to Sea Ranch and not skiing. We had a great time!
