Saturday, January 10, 2009

Announcing a Quilters' Retreat in Mexico!

You're cordially invited!
Who & What: Abstract Textile Painting with a Spiritual Focus, hosted and co-facilitated by Chris, taught and led by Textile Artist Suzan Friedland
When: March 6 -14, 2009, including optional free days March 6-7
Where: Alegranza Resort, Los Cabos, Baja California Sur

Objective: To have fun and enjoy the blending of spirituality and creativity and generate your own hand painted fabric ready to quilt into finished textile art.

Outline: Arrive on Friday, and just relax and do your own reading or hand projects that afternoon and Saturday, though of course you can walk, meditate, and enjoy meals with Chris, Sue, and the other participants. Teaching begins Sunday afternoon and concludes early on Thursday. After optional sitting meditation and breakfast, Monday through Wednesday's classes will start with a Zen inspired, silent easy stroll along the beach (or elsewhere) to get our creative juices flowing, and have us observe the colors and textures. Suzan Friedland will demonstrate and share the techniques she has developed for abstract textile painting. She will help students find their own voice through modification and extension of these techniques. Students will come away from this retreat with design capabilities they didn’t know they had, plus about three yards of handpainted fabrics. Sue will also show us how she meditatively machine quilts and makes these pieces into finished quilts. Even if textile painting isn't your primary interest, the process should get your creativity going for other types of projects when you return home, and your time will be well spent and lots of fun!

Prerequisite: A lack of preconceived ideas!

Supplies provided by student: None! We’ll provide all needed materials for a $45 supplies fee.

Cost: $700 (excluding airfare; includes 6 nights' accommodations, meals Sunday through Thursday, and 3-1/2 days of teaching). If you can't come Friday though Thursday, subtract $40 per night and just come for the workshop portion, Sunday through Thursday.

Accommodations: Over 4,000 square feet of indoor-outdoor, luxury, ocean view space. Two women per bedroom, two women per bathroom, all in separate beds with new top-of-the-line mattresses. Washer & dryer, hair dryers, fun décor. Pools, jacuzzis, tennis court, fitness gym, walking distance to designer coffee, town, restaurants, art galleries, and the beach. For more on the Alegranza resort, click here.

To sign up or request more information, e-mail Chris: or visit

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