Thursday, January 15, 2009

Friendship, Writing, & Younger Next Year

Yesterday I interviewed a quilter, enjoyed the sunset from her deck, and ended up staying for dinner with her and husband. When I came back to my Sea Ranch house, I was so jazzed that I stayed up writing her story. I got up before 6 and wrote some more, and by lunch I had a completed first draft. It sure feels good! She is inspiring, gracious, fun, and has really welcomed me to the area. Thank you, Donna, you are a joy to know. And your quilts are amazing.

Tomorrow I'll be having lunch with another writer/quilter/friend from the area. Last time I saw her was during our workshop with Hollis Chatelain last October. Iris, it will be good to re-connect.

The fog is rolling in after 5 days of gorgeous, unseasonably warm, 70-degree-plus weather on the northern coast. Change is good, too.

Speaking of change -- I'm off to work out. I read YOUNGER NEXT YEAR FOR WOMEN: LIVE STRONG, FIT, AND SEXY UNTIL YOU'RE 80 AND BEYOND, and I'm committed. These are my New Year's Guiding Words: Younger Next Year. The book's authors, Chris Crowley and Henry S. Lodge, M.D., emphasize exercise and not eating crap (their words), but also Committing, Caring, and Connecting. So my 3-word 2009 goal carries a lot of good intentions and is more all-encompassing than typical resolutions. I chose another guiding word last year--Stewardship--based on my friend Joan's recommendation, and it really helped focus me. Thanks, Joan, and good luck to you with Gentleness.

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