Thursday, October 15, 2009

Prep for Sue Benner's Dye Class at the Crow Barn

I'm so excited to be going to Nancy Crow's Barn in Ohio on Sunday to take Sue Benner's five-day class, BROAD BRUSH: DYE-PAINTING AND PRINTING WITH PROCION DYES. But getting ready -- yikes! We (my Sea Ranch and Art Quilt Group friend, Barbara, and I) are bringing 25 one-yard pieces of fabric, plus some silk scarves, washed and then soaked in soda ash. The problem is . . . you aren't supposed to do the soda ash soak too far in advance, so I left it to do this week, and all it's done is rain this week--gale force, no less. You can't dry the pieces in a dryer, and it's best to soak the pieces outdoors in a tub rather than put it down a drain into the septic system. So these photos show Batch One out on the line to dry in the fog -- fat chance -- and then the same clothesline transferred indoors, where it goes from the living room drapery rod to a kitchen drawer handle, then back out to the hinge of the master bedroom door.

Meanwhile, I am working on the piece I blogged about yesterday, ducking under the clothesline each time I go anywhere in the house. (No studio here--yet.) Two more batches to do tomorrow. Hoping for some sunshine!

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